Are You a Silence Seeker?

In todays day and age it is more and more difficult to find real quiet. I like to say that I am a silence seeker every single day. When I say silence I mean the ability to be surrounded by only sounds of nature wherever that might be. I truly began this practice years ago on my daily walks in the park but really began to study the impacts of quiet and silence on the brain during the pandemic. I know that by seeking those quiet moments, I have been more able and equipped to hear the soft whispers of the heart. Some also say we are more able to tune into our own intuition and I couldn’t agree more. Being in silence, I have been able to hear more clearly all that is happening around me. I feel like a human tuning fork, I’m much more aware of my surroundings. I have stopped wearing earbuds when I step outside and began doing that 5 or so years ago for safety reasons and to truly hear the world around me. I can be spatially aware when I am blocking out the world around me. Do you seek silence? Where do you go or where do you enjoy the quiet moments the most?